Fertbrasil: an innovative network for the development of tropical soils fertilizers.

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Autoria: JESUS, I. R. D. de; BENITES, V. de M.; POLIDORO, J. C.; LAFORET, M. R. C.; PAIVA, D. W. de; COSTA, H. G.

Resumo: This paper aims to present the FertBrasil network, a network leaded by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ? Embrapa, that includes more than three hundreds of researchers in more than fifty institutions, among public agents, universities and private companies. First, we introduce the subject of network innovation and a little background on tropical fertilizers. Then, we present the FertBrasil network, since its creation, passing by its leadership, partners and the products the network intends to develop. After, a little is discussed about the innovative control mechanism of the network and the product development flow, as well as the interaction between FertBrasil and other governmental initiatives or public policies about the same subject. At least, we discuss about the results of the network until now, in terms of products, technologies and political impacts and mobilization in fertilizers research for tropical regions. Then, we conclude presenting some challenges for FertBrasil network as well as reinforcing the important role assumed by this network in contributing to Brazil keeps its high position in agricultural production and productivity.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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