Stochastic frontier approach to agricultural production including technical effects: the brazilian agricultural censures of 1995-1996 and 2006.

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Autoria: SOUZA, G. da S. e; ALVES, E. R. de A.; GOMES, E. G.

Resumo: In this paper we analyze the impact of Embrapa’s research on the technical efficiencies of Brazilian farmers, particularly the poor. Using a stochastic frontier approach, we estimate a production function to obtain not only the technica efficiencies but also the elasticities of the key inputs. Our results indicate that Embrapa has generally had a positive effect on technical efficiencies, but there are still challenges ahead for Embrapa. Key among these challenges is the dissemination of its technology, which seems to be predominantly adopted by wealthier farmers. The low or absent use of modern inputs by poor farmers is highly detrimental of their ability to succeed.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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