Brazilian tropical grassland ecosystems: distribution and research advances.

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Resumo: A few decades ago we sought the understanding of the functioning of Brazilian ecosystems. During these years, changes in the way land use were influenced primarily by economic issues involving the process of valuation of land in different regions. Furthermore, developments in research have provided productive increments that were well characterized in some phases. This paper aims to trace a brief history of the distribution of grassland ecosystems in Brazil and show how it has been the advances in research on forages and pastures in the country, pointing its evolution, transition times and trends. Moreover, it purports to show a perspective of the dynamics of occupation of Brazilian territory by these ecosystems. The information is presented on three occasions, seeking to encourage understanding of where livestock grazing occurs and how the dynamics of occupation of the area was favored by the search. Also, it shows how the research was fundamental for Brazil occupy little arable areas considered, making the country one of the largest producers of cattle in the world.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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