
Aplicação tópica de moléculas de RNA de fita dupla visando o gene do nucleocapsídeo confere proteção contra groundnut ringspost virus.

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Autoria: SOUZA, T. A. de; NAKASU, E. Y. T.; VARGAS, J. R.; INOUE-NAGATA, A. K.

Resumo: Tropical application of double-stranded RNA molecules targeting the nucleocapside gene confers protection against groundnut ringspot virus. Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) is a devastating plant pathogen that causes huge crop losses worldwide. In Brazil, the disease is known as 'vira-cabeça do tomateiro', being particularly destructive to tomato plants. The control of this disease is frequently carried out by the use of resistant cultivars. However, due to the emergence of resistance-breaking strains, new disease management strategies are necessary. RNA interference-based approaches represent attractive and promising tools against viral infections in plants. Furthermore, non-transgenic and transgenic approaches by expression of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules homologous to genomic regions of viruses have been successfully developed for viral management. In this work, dsRNA molecules deriving from the nucleocapsid (N) gene sequence of GRSV were produced in vitro and topically applied onto tomato seedlings (cv. BRS Sena) to test for protection against the virus.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings