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ABSTRACT: The Cerrado soils are acid and deficient in calcium and magnesium, which limit crop growth. Also, there is aluminum toxicity for plant roots being necessary using lime to overcome these cond... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

ABSTRACT: The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community is low in Cerrado soils and it gradually increases with soil cropping. Rotations of crops and of production systems stimulate propagation of those... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

ABSTRACT: The no-till and conventional cropping systems, which involve low and high soil disturbance, could affect the number and nature of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species in the soil. The... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

ABSTRACT: The development of a sustainable agriculture requires the use of agricultural practices that involve a minimum soil tillage. The cropping systems change the dynamics of native arbuscular myc... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

ABSTRACT: The Cerrado soils are acid with toxic levels of aluminum, being necessary to use lime to overcome these conditions to grow crops. The residual effect of lime in a Red Latosol were evaluated... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2007

ABSTRACT: Soil acidity and soil phosphorus deficiency may be constraints factors to cassava production in cerrado soils. Therefore, the cultivation of cassava requires the adequate management of soil... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2005

ABSTRACT: Cassava plants are highly dependent on arbuscular mycorrhiza for its optimum growth. Its cultivation in cerrado soil requires soil and culture management as soil liming and fertilization and... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2005


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