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The search for a correct management , input and grazing animals leaving the best time has been a challenge for ranchers and scientists who develop grazing management systems. Embrapa created a tool to help the produ ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Bovine, Forage, Pasture management, Agricultural technology, Pasture Management Rule

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 03/01/2023     Visualizações: 319

Obrigado pelo seu interesse em nosso vídeo. Para sanar dúvidas, pedimos que entre em contato diretamente com nosso SAC: Equipe DCTV

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Embrapa Rondônia, Bovino, Carrapato, Mosca-dos-chifres, Parasito de animal, Mosca, Pesticida, Controle integrado, Bovine, Garrapata, Tick, Horn fly, Parasite, Parásito, Pesticide, Control integrado de las plagas, Pest Control

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 14/01/2016     Visualizações: 4131

To ensure the quality and origin of the meat that reaches the consumer's table the Sudeste developed a traceability and Animal Identification System , the TAG active . The system begins with the identification of th ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Tracking, Sanitary inspection, Bovine, Meat, Food consumption, Animal traceability and Identification System

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 26/01/2015     Visualizações: 252

The animals are stressed as much as the human being and when a cow is in this state , the milk production can be decreased by 30% . Stress has direct consequences for the health of the animal. He loses appetite and ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Bovine, Dairy cattle, Livestock, Productivity, Comfort and Well-being Increase Herd Productivity

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 14/01/2015     Visualizações: 270

Composting is the environmentally friendly proposal for the fate of the dead animals. It is a means of controlling the decomposition of the animals avoid the spread of disease and contamination of waterways.

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Composting, Bovine, Disease, Cattle Carcass Composting

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 13/01/2015     Visualizações: 1174

Stable fly, also known as barn fly, is very similar to the housefly, and are found in several countries in the world, mainly in areas around stables and confinements. Stable fly lays eggs and develops in vegetal or ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Stable Fly (Organism Classification), Bovine, Control of stable fly outbreak

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 23/04/2014     Visualizações: 606