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Grape juice is a healthy drink , aromatic and has the characteristic flavor of the fruit, and experts provides more benefits than the grape itself . It is also a good option for the diversification of activity on th ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Grape juice, Grape, Cultivars, Consumer, Breeding, Grape juice: Benefits for Producers and Consumers

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 26/01/2015     Visualizações: 660

Avoid inbreeding in produced fry , add economic value to the product and still choose the players with higher growth performance : these are some advantages of genetic management . To perform the genetic management ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Breeding, Fish, Supply chain, Genetic Management of Fish Breeding

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 22/01/2015     Visualizações: 314