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This place carries a legacy built for two of the most important livestock activities in the country! This is Embrapa Suínos e Aves (Swine and Poultry). This is where knowledge that reshaped Brazilian swine and poult ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Suínos, Aves, Vídeo, Institucional, Swine, Poultry, Video, Institutional, Research, Agricultural

De: Embrapa     Postado em: 27/12/2022     Visualizações: 639

The alternative production system of broilers and laying hens should contribute to the sustainability of rural property in the environmental, economic and social . The proposal of alternative production system of me ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Pequena propriedade, Poultry farming and income addition to the property, Aviculture, Family farms, Bird, Commercialization, Small property

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 13/01/2015     Visualizações: 16057