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Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Uva, Muda, Videira, Viticultura, Parreiral, Produção vegetal, Doença de planta, Grape, Tree plant, Plántula, Vide, Parra de uva, Vitícolas, Viticulture, Plant production, Producción vegetal, Enfermedad vegetal, Plant disease

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 09/12/2015     Visualizações: 4229

The pink Niagara is a table grape alternative , that from the 90s , is being produced in tropical regions , thanks to the work of adaptation and development of new technologies conducted by Embrapa Grape and Wine in ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Grape, Small farmer, Family farms, Variety, Viticulture, Farmers, Niagara Grape, Niagara Grape: Table Grape for Small Farmers

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 26/01/2015     Visualizações: 890

Due to its continental dimensions, Brazil is one of the countries that has in its soil and climate diversity a great potential for viticulture. It is possible to obtain high quality wines, combining the characterist ...   Mais...

Tag: Embrapa, Viticulture, Wine, Grape (Produce), New viticultural regions, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV

De: TV Embrapa     Postado em: 23/04/2014     Visualizações: 435