Combining ability in elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) for energy biomass production.

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Authorship: MENEZES, B. R. da S.; DAHER, R. F.; GRAVINA, G. de A.; PEREIRA, A. V.; PEREIRA, M. G.; TARDIN, F. D.; SILVA, V. B.; RODRIGUES, E. V.; ARAÚJO, M. do S. B.; OLIVEIRA, M. L. F.; ALMEIDA, B. de O.

Summary: The objective of this study was to estimate and evaluate the general and specific combining abilities of hybrid combinations for energy biomass production, adopting the methodology of Griffing as adapted by Geraldi and Miranda Filho in evaluation cuts referring to two periods, the wet and dry seasons, and in relation to total dry matter yield (TDMY). The experiment was conducted at Pesagro Rio, located in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil, in a randomized block design with three replicates. Crosses were performed in a partial diallel system. Treatments consisted of 10 parents, 25 hybrid combinations, and 1 control. Three evaluation cuts were made: two in the wet season and one in the dry season. The following traits were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, leaf width, number of tillers, percentage of dry matter, dry matter yield, and TDMY. Regarding the general combining ability effects, the parents "Cameroon-Piracicaba" and "Mercker" showed outstanding positive values. Of the hybrid combinations, "Cubano Pinda" x "Mercker", "Cameroon-Piracicaba" x "Três Rios", "Cameroon-Piracicaba" x "Mercker 86-México", "IAC-Campinas" x "Três Rios", "IAC-Campinas" x "Mercker 86-México", and "Guaçu IZ.2" x "Roxo" showed superior productive performance. Hybrids can be obtained with superior energy biomass production to that of the currently available elephant grass cultivars.

Publication year: 2016

Types of publication: Journal article


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