Produção de milho verde em consórcio com Crotalaria juncea, sob manejo orgânico

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Authorship: DALLA CHIEZA, E.; MENDES, B. P.; ARAUJO, E. da S.; GUERRA, J. G. M.

Summary: The objective was to evaluate the impacts of organic management forms of the intercropping between corn and Crotalaria juncea crops in the production of sweet corn cobs. An experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agrobiologia between Nov/2010 and Mar/2011. A randomized complete block design with 06 treatments and 04 replications was used: T1: C. juncea sown 07 days before corn and management at 33 days after emergence (33-DAE); T2: C. juncea sown on the same date as corn (29-DAE); T3: C. juncea sown 14 days after corn (102-DAE); T4: C. juncea sown 28 days after corn (88-DAE); T5 and T6: corn in monoculture, with and without nitrogen fertilizer coverage, respectively. The treatments T4 and T6 showed the best results. The length and diameter of the cobs, although with commercial standard, presented low values, this makes difficult the commercialization in demanding markets in metric characteristics. The intercrop system is feasible, provided that appropriate management is adopted.

Publication year: 2018

Types of publication: Journal article


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