Carcass traits of Senepol heifers with divergent residual water intake

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Authorship: PEREIRA, G. de M.; MARTINS, T. R.; LATTA, K. I.; RIBAS, M. N.; FERNANDES JUNIOR, J. A.; GOMES, R. da C.; EGITO, A. A. do; MENEZES, G. R. de O.

Summary: Residual water intake (RWI) is a measure of water efficiency that can be used for selection in beef cattle. Currently, it is not known the association of RWI with carcass traits. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relation among RWI and ultrasound carcass traits in Senepol cattle. Records on 749 Senepol heifers of approximately 17 months of age, involved in feedlot performance tests, were used.

Publication year: 2018

Types of publication: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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