BRS Rosea Púrpura Passion fruit - BRS RP

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Photo: FALEIRO, Fabio Gelape

This is a passion fruit cultivar. The ornamental passion fruit cultivar BRS Rosea Púrpura is a hybrid cultivar of ornamental passion fruit with lilac to pink flowers, registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply as an alternative for the ornamental plant market, with the aim of landscaping large areas such as fences, pergolas, and walls. It brings a new shade of pink-colored flowers to meet market demand and to complement the red color spectrum of the cultivars BRS Estrela do Cerrado, BRS Rubiflora and BRS Roseflora cultivars already launched by Embrapa. The plants of the cultivar BRS Rosea Púrpura produce a large quantity of pink flowers with a diameter of approximately 8 cm, greenish bracts, pink petals and sepals, a corona with around 6 cm in diameter with a white central part, a white nectar chamber ring, and elongated fimbriae with pink ends. It presents pink stigmas and styles, spotted fillets and anthers, and green ovaries and stigmas. When irrigated, the plants bloom all year round in conditions of the Distrito Federal region. As the cultivar is propagated vegetatively and has genetic self-incompatibility, seeds and and pulp are not formed without cross-pollination, but it forms several parthenocarpic fruits (fruit that are generated without fertilization). Its resistance to diseases is higher than the other cultivars’ available in the market, especially aerial diseases like bacteriosis, virosis, Septoria leaf spot and anthracnose.

Where to find:
HORTICULTURA & PLANTAS GRECCO LTDA [produtor de Muda micropropagadas]
Cidade: Brasília
Telefone: (61) 98424-0250 / 9.9622-0824

Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2016

Biome: Cerrado

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

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