MonitoraOeste: monitoring and warning of climate favorability for soybean rust and Ramularia leaf spot in cotton

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Photo: SUASSUNA, Nelson Dias

It is a system developed to monitor and issue warnings ahead of the advance of soybean rust and Ramularia leaf spot in crops to the west of Bahia state. The technology is available in versions for mobile devices - in the Apple and Google stores - and for the web - on Embrapa's web page. Within the system, the data are organized into maps, tables, graphs and disease records. The warnings point to outbreak spots - bringing information updated in real time by a network of travelling collaborators - and reveal whether climate conditions are favorable for the development of rust and Ramularia leaf spot, with information about the presence and the dispersion of spores. Additionally, the tool offers consultations to the agrometeorological indicators of the region, such as evapotranspiration, biomass index, NDVI, efficiency in the use of the water etc. With MonitoraOeste, stakeholders from the production sector and public and private sector decision-makers will have access to complex information in a simplified format. Thus the technology helps the plant health safety of soybean and cotton crops in the region, and allows for a reduction in production costs and environmental impacts by considering the climate conditions and allowing better crop monitoring during their development.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Product: Software Launch year: 2022

Biome: Cerrado

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Territorial

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