01/10/19 |   Forestry and silviculture

Communication between species ensures preservation of trees

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Trees communicate, to much more of a degree than we can see. This theory comes from Suzanne Simard, professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Simard discussed this topic in a plenary session entitled "Biodiversity, Environmental Services, and Biological Invasions” this past Tuesday at the 25th IUFRO World Congress.

In her lecture “Voices of the Mother Tree,” Simard described how she developed the theory of the mother tree, in which one plant helps others by infecting them with mycorrhizal fungi and providing the nutrients they need to grow. "These plants recognize trees of the same family and send carbon to them," she explained.

Over 30 years of research, Simard observed the Canadian boreal forest and concluded that the mother tree sends carbon to younger ones through a biochemical mechanism that takes place in the roots. "It is a complex number of reactions and symbioses at a mycorrhizal level," she added.

Simard explained that "when cutting, by keeping nearby trees we can maintain diversity and increase regeneration." She noted that greater diversity in tree species has been seen to increase total carbon in the ecosystem as a consequence.

In her opinion, there is a great likelihood that the same connection exists between fungi and trees in tropical forests. She stated that although the arbuscular mycorrhizae (which are more common in tropical forests) are less diverse than other types, there is greater diversity of trees in tropical forests.

Simard defends the popularization of science, and ended her talk with a call to empower students so they can contribute to species preservation.

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Ana Lucia Ferreira (MTb 16913/RJ)
Embrapa Florestas

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