14/08/23 |

21 Embrapa researchers among the most cited in the world

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Twenty-one Embrapa researchers (check the list below) are among the most cited in the world in eight areas of knowledge, according to the second edition of the ranking by the academic platform Research.com. The study considered 26 areas of knowledge in 60 countries. An indicator called Discipline H-index (D-index), which considers the number of papers and the quantity of citations in each area under assessment. To make the selection, it combined bibliometric data from several sources, including OpenAlex and CrossRef. Such information was collected in December 2022.

The ranking evaluated 166,880 researchers selected from the bibliometric data sources. The analysis also considers awards, scholarships and academic recognitions granted by leading research institutions and government agencies. According to the Research.com platform, the purpose of the study is to pinpoint the main experts from different countries in specific areas of knowledge and thus inspire young scholars around the world, emphasizing topics of impact for current science and trends for the future.


Embrapa's participation

The area in which Embrapa has the largest participation, according to the ranking, is Plant Science and Agronomy, with the inclusion of eight researchers. They are: Mariangela Hungria, Segundo Urquiaga, Nand Fageria (in memoriam), Robert Boddey, Johanna Döbereiner (in memoriam), Bruno Alves, José Ivo Baldani and Veronica Reis.  

Then Animal Science and Veterinary follows with the mention of six scientists, namely:  Luciana Regitano, Marcos Dias, Maurício Alencar, Samuel Paiva, Marcos Vinícius Silva and Ana Carolina Chagas.

The area of Environmental Sciences mentions two researchers: Joice Ferreira and Mateus Batistella. Just like Materials Science, in which researchers Luiz Henrique Mattoso and Cauê Ribeiro are nominated. Ribeiro is the only one also listed in the area of Chemistry.

Three other areas also list Embrapa scientists: Dario Grattapaglia, in Biology and Biochemistry; George Brown, in Ecology and Evolution; and Daniel Corrêa, in Engineering and Technology.


The web portal also ranks the best universities (in the world and in each country), the best scientific journals (per area of knowledge) and the best scientific conferences (per area of knowledge).

All lists can be found on Research.com.


Fernanda Diniz (MTb 4.685/DF)
Superintendency of Communications (Sucom)

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Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Superintendency of Communications (Sucom)

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