06/05/24 |

Embrapa can influence global production standards and processes

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Photo: Francisco Lins

Francisco Lins - A more sustainable agriculture, retaining carbon in the soil and contributing to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, is on the agenda of global discussions

A more sustainable agriculture, retaining carbon in the soil and contributing to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, is on the agenda of global discussions

The company stands as a reference in scientific diplomacy and looks for new opportunities for its technologies


By November 2024, Brazil will take on the temporary presidency of the G20 and in 2025 the country will host the 30th UN Climate Change Conference (COP30). Such events offers new prospects for Embrapa in the international stage. Tout de suite, Embrapa has been coordinating the Annual Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists of the G20 States (MACS-G20 – see details below). The topics to be discussed at the meeting include the transformation of agri-food systems and the role of science for higher resilience in agriculture against extreme events caused by climate change, aiming at food security and fighting hunger. These are topics that relate to the Brazilian government's and the corporation's agendas.

According to Marcelo Morandi, head of Embrapa's Advisory Service for International Relations (Arin), the events expand opportunities for the consolidation of the institution as a reference in knowledge for tropical agriculture, a protagonist in action aimed at scientific diplomacy, and an influence in production standards and processes. They are also the chance not only to strengthen cooperation activities and networks, but also to access new markets for assets and research funding, in line with the guidelines established by the current corporate management. 

"Embrapa's international activities are to be expanded beyond research activities. We intend to do business with foreign partners, license products, establish partnerships with international startups and promote other actions," business director Ana Euler states.

"MACS and COP-30 are opportunities to showcase what we have generated with a focus on sustainable agriculture as well as our work related to higher transparency on agricultural production processes. For instance, we are developing a platform with carbon balance data and metrics that are adapted to Brazilian agricultural systems. It will allow for traceability of greenhouse gas emissions in those systems and provide accurate answers about the sustainability of our agriculture to the world", the president of Embrapa, Silvia Massruhá, underscores. Read about the platform here.


Global issues

Embrapa has worked and reinforced its role as important technical support for the Brazilian government in positions and decisions related to global issues. “We are living in a new international environment of adjustments in global production systems based on sustainable development concepts. In such environment, there is talk of scientific diplomacy going beyond cooperation between countries and companies. It includes not only science and technology but also geopolitics, climate issues and their interfaces with market issues”, Morandi observes.

He recalls that such diplomacy requires strategies to inform where and when Embrapa should be present, and a speedy information flow within the corporation. The institution is an international reference with credibility to turn knowledge into development. It is recognized for generating technology that can foster sustainable agriculture in tropical environments. “Moreover, our model of science and technology production has drawn interest from other countries. We can contribute so that Brazil is not only produces food, but also technology”, he says.

FAO and United Nations documents point to the need to increase food production due to population growth. In this context, Embrapa has been consistently called not only to foster scientific and technical cooperation, sharing knowledge and technologies with other countries with a similar climate, but also for discussions related to the interface between climate and food production and the sustainability of agri-food chains. “A good share of the productivity gains related to sustainability are coming from countries like Brazil. So, in addition to intensifying traditional scientific and technical cooperation, we have been expanding our participation in global conventions. ”

About MACS 

Delegations from the nations and blocks of countries that form the G20, and representatives of their institutions linked to agriculture and agricultural research, will participate in the Annual Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists of G20 states (MACS-G20). The event, which is restricted to accredited guests, will take place between May 15 and 17, at the headquarters of the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro) in Brasília, DF, Brazil.

Coordinated by Embrapa, the central theme of the 2024 edition of MACS-20 is “Building a just world and a sustainable planet”. The role of science for food security, coping with the effects of climate change and fighting hunger will inform discussions focused on research and development. At the end of the event, a document called Communiqué will be published with the position of participating countries on such emerging and global challenges.


  • Read more about MACS here
  • Visit the event web page


COP30 and the commitment to sustainable agriculture

The 30th UN Conference on Climate Change (COP30) will be held in November 2025 in Belém, Pará, Brazil. The Conference is considered the most important climate-related meeting in the world. For over a decade, Embrapa has been called upon to participate and provide technical support to the Brazilian team led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) in the discussions and negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In addition to supporting the negotiations, at COP 30, specifically in the space that is open to governments, companies, the third sector and society in general, Embrapa will showcase technologies that demonstrate Brazil's and the corporation's commitment to a sustainable low-carbon agriculture and that are aimed at tackling climate change. A Strategic Committee led by the Business Director will coordinate the corporation's presence in such open arena. 

Morandi recalls that in 2025 Brazil will also take over the leadership of BRICS, a group of countries with common socioeconomic characteristics, and this allocates extra responsibility for the country and new demands and opportunities for Embrapa. The group formerly composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, this year started to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran.


Marita Cardillo (MTb 2264 DF)
Superintendency of Communications (Sucom)

Press inquiries

Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Superintendency of Communications (Sucom)

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