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A study led by Embrapa concluded that cacti from Semiarid Northeastern Brazil have shown potential as functional food. The research assessed the presence of bioactive compounds...

Publishing date: 21/03/17

The increase of organic matter in the soil contributes to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases by animal farming. The research showed that agroforestry systems may increase...

Publishing date: 12/03/24

Study developed by Embrapa and partners enabled the use of Caatinga-native bacteria in foods. Lactic ferment with probiotic potential is the first product resulting from this...

Publishing date: 29/08/23

Studies have shown high levels of thymol and carvacrol in its leaves, compounds that are recognized for their strong antimicrobial action against several microorganisms of...

Publishing date: 19/12/23

In 2023, each dollar invested by Embrapa in technology generated a return of US$ 2.27 to society. Farmers who adopted the technology had an average increase of 375 kg in production...

Publishing date: 30/01/24

Brazilian research findings and public policy for sustainable animal production were presented by the Embrapa on an online panel promoted by the International Fund for Agricultural...

Publishing date: 03/11/21

Researchers compared the temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon in slash-and-burn management and in agroforestry systems in the Brazilian Semiarid region. Different fallow...

Publishing date: 07/05/24

On May 5 and 6, Embrapa Semi-arid Region (Petrolina, PE) welcomed a Senegalese mission from the Agency for Reforestation and the Great Green Wall (ASERGMV), which aimed to learn...

Publishing date: 12/05/23

This week, the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture of the village of Santo Antônio de Lisboa, Piauí, Brazil, distributed 10,000 seedlings of early dwarf cashew clone CCP 76 to...

Publishing date: 27/01/22

Evapotranspiration is fundamental in the hydrological cycle and about 70% of the water that precipitates onto the surface of the Earth returns to the atmosphere through the...

Publishing date: 06/05/22