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Authorship: AZOUBEL, P. M.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; TONON, R. V.; KUROZAWA, L. E.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X.; PARK, K. J.

The effect of different osmotic pretreatments on cashew apple drying kinetics and product quality were investigated.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2009

Authorship: AZOUBEL, P. M.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X.

A cajucultura desempenha papel de destaque na economia nordestina, em razão de o fruto se destacar como produto de exportação, além do potencial de agregação de valor por meio do aproveitamento do ped... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2007

Authorship: EL-AOUAR, A. A.; AZOUBEL, P. M.; KUROZAWA, L. E.; SIMÕES, M. R.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X.

The aim of this work was to study the mate rial dimensions and bulk density changes during the convective drying of papaya ( Carica papaya L. ) slices and to model the sh rinkage kinetics.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005

Authorship: KUROZAWA, L. E.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; SIMÕES, M. R.; AZOUBEL, P. M.; MURR, F. E. X.

The objective of this paper was to determine the thermal conductivity and the ther mal diffusivity of papaya as a function of temperature using the probe technique. A probe, with a heater wire to appl... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005

Authorship: ANTONIO, G. C.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; AZOUBEL, P. M.; SIMÕES, M. R.; MURR, F. E. X.

The aim of this work was to evaluate the osmotic dehydration of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) using salt and sucrose solutions. The osmotic process was carried out at different sucrose concen tration... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005

Authorship: AZOUBEL, P. M.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; KUROZAWA, L. E.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X.

The objective of this work was the study of osmotic dehydration of cashew apple slices in sucrose solutions as a function of temperature (30-50 0C), solution concentration (40-60% w/w) and immersion t... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005

Authorship: AZOUBEL, P. M.; CIPRIANI, D. C.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; ANTONIO, G. C.; MURR, F. E. X.

Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, density and viscosity of cashew juice were measured at 30 oC for soluble solids content ranging from 5.5 to 25 oBrix. Thermal conductivity and diffusivity we... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005


Amostras de batata doce foram desidratadas em soluções de sacarose (44-60% p/p) e NaCl (0-10%p/p) com temperaturas variando de 34 a 50?C por um tempo de imersão de 120 minutos. O aumento na concentraç... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2004

Authorship: ANTONIO, G. C.; AZOUBEL, P. M.; ALVES, D. G.; EL-AOUAR, A. A.; MURR, F. E. X.

Brazil is the biggest world producer 01' papaya and because its sweet taste and vitamins content this fruit is consumed in natura and processed in candies and some other products. lt is necessary to f... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2004


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