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Authorship: MIRANDA, M.; SUN, X.; FERENCE, C.; PLOTTO, A.; BAI, J.; WOOD, D.; ASSIS, O. B. G. de; FERREIRA, M. D.

Coatings are generally applied to fruit as microemulsions, but nanoemulsions are still experimental. ‘Nova’ mandarins (Citrus reticulata) were coated with shellac or carnauba (Copernica cerifera) micr... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2021

Authorship: MIRANDA, M.; SUN, X.; ASSIS, O. B. G. de; FERENCE, C.; FERREIRA, M. D.; BALDWIN, E. A.

ABSTRACT: Essential oils and plant extracts can be safe alternatives for reducing post-harvest decay in foods compared to synthetic preservatives. Ginger oil (GO) and ethanolic extracts (GE) has been... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2021


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