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Authorship: LU, D.; BATISTELLA, M.; MAUSEL, P.; MORAN, E.

Mapping and monitoring land degradation in areas under human-induced stresses have urgent tasks in remote sensing whose importance has not yet been fully appreciated. In this study, a surface cover in... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2007

Authorship: LU, D.; MAUSEL, P.; BATISTELLA, M.; MORAN, E.

Many land-cover change detection techniques have been developed; however, different conclusions about the value or appropriateness of each exist. This difference of opinion is often influenced by the... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2005

Authorship: LU, D.; BATISTELLA, M.; MORAN, E.; MAUSEL, P.

Abundant vegetation species and associated complex forest stand structures in moist tropical regions often create difficulties in accurately classifying land-use and land-cover (LULC) features. This p... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2004

Authorship: LU, D.; MAUSEL, P.; BATISTELLA, M.; MORAN, E.

Four distinctly different classifiers were used to analyze multispectral data. Which of these classifiers is most suitable for a specific study area is not always clear. This paper provides a comparis... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2004


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