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Authorship: RIBEIRO, J. F.; NAKAI, A. M.; MILHOMENS, A. K. M.; SILVA, A. A. da; ARAUJO, S. C. B. de; SOUZA, R. B. de; TURAZI, C. M. V.; ALENCAR, M. de C. F.; SKORUPA, L. A.; ASSAD, E. D.

The success of the environmental regularization program in Brazil depends on the scientific knowledge in plantings of native species used for restoration techniques, public policies to stimulate envir... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2017

Authorship: TEIXEIRA, R. N.; LIGTERINK, W.; FRANÇA-NETO, J. de B.; HILHORST, H. W. M.; SILVA, E. A. A. da

Due to the climate change of the past few decades, some agricultural areas in the world are now experiencing new climatic extremes. For soybean, high temperatures and drought stress can potentially le... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2016


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