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Authorship: FILETE, C. A.; MOREIRA, T. R.; SANTOS, A. R. dos; GOMES, W. dos S.; GUARÇONI, R. C.; MORELI, A. P.; AUGUSTO, M. I.; ABREU, R. de O.; SIMMER, M. M. B.; CALIMAN, A. D. C.; GUIMARÃES, C. V.; BERILLI, S. da S.; FERRAO, M. A. G.; FONSECA, A. F. A. da; PARTELLI, F. L.; BERILLI, A. P. C. G.; OLIVEIRA, E. C. da S.; PEREIRA, L. L.

The sensory profile from the Coffea canephora stands out for being denser, less sweet, presenting less acidity, and having characteristics of a marked aroma of roasted cereals. Coffee is essentially a... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2022

Authorship: PEREIRA, M. G.; BERILLI, A. P. C. G.; TRINDADE, R. dos S.; ENTRINGER, G. C.; SANTOS, P. H. A. D.; VETTORAZZI, J. C. F.; GALVÃO, K. S. da C.

The intervarietal hybrid ?UENF 506-11? was derived from full-sib maize families in the 11th cycle of reciprocal recurrent selection. It produces a grain yield of 7.57 tons ha-1, and is recommended for... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019


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