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Authorship: GAVA, C. A. T.; SÁ, A. V.; CASTRO, A. P. C. de; PEREIRA, C. A.; PAZ, C. D. da

Dada a importância das perdas pós-colheita nas cadeias de produção de manga e as restrições ao uso de fungicidas sintéticos, o objetivo deste estudo foi o isolamento e seleção de estirpes de leveduras... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019

Authorship: GAVA, C. A. T.; CASTRO, A. P. C. de; PEREIRA, C. A.; GONÇALVES, J. S.; ARAÚJO, L. F. C.; PAZ, C. D. da

Post-harvest mango decay is caused by multiple pathogens in tropical conditions but concerns regarding the risk of food contamination by fungicides established biocontrol as a promising alternative. H... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2018

Authorship: GAVA, C. A. T.; CASTRO, A. P. C. de; ARAÚJO, C.

Biocontrol became an alternative to control of postharvest decay of table grape, however due to the minimal handling in the packing-house its application is limited to field. Therefore, considering th... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2015

Authorship: GAVA, C. A. T.; ARAÚJO, C.; CASTRO, A. P. C. de

Consumers concerns about food safety led to great restrictions for postharvest application of fungicides, especially for fruits and vegetables. So, it is very important to develop alternative strategi... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2015

Authorship: SANTOS, P. de S.; MOTTA, E. F.; CASTRO, A. N. C. de; MONTEIRO, A. C.; GAVA, C. A. T.

O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do sistema de Balanço Hidrofilico-Lipolífico (HLB).

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2009


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