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Authorship: PINHO, L. de; ALMEIDA, A. C.; COSTA, C. A.; PAES, M. C. D.; GLÓRIA, M. B. A.; SOUZA, R. M.

The physicochemical characteristics of the cherry tomato cultivated in organic and conventional production systems and harvested at either 30 or 45 days of cropping were evaluated using a randomized,... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011

Authorship: PINHO, L. de; PAES, M. C. D.; GLÓRIA, M. B. A.; ALMEIDA, A. C.; COSTA, C. A.

The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical properties of green corn, grown in both organic and conventional farming systems, using a completely randomized factorial design. Four corn varieties (... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011


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