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Authorship: ARRUDA, D. C. de; DUCATI, J. R.; HOFF, R.; BELLOLI, T. F.; THUM, A. B.

Reflectance measurements of plants of the same species can produce sets of data with differences between spectra, due to factors that can be external to the plant, like the environment where the plant... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2023

Authorship: ARRUDA, D. de C.; PITHAN, P. A.; HOFF, R.; DUCATI, J. R.

O sensoriamento remoto proximal ou em nível de folha, com sensores equipados de centenas ou milhares de bandas, contribui com perfis espectrais detalhados sobre estado vegetativo das plantas.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019

Authorship: VIEL, J. A.; ARRUDA, D. C. de; BERRETA, M. dos S. R.; FANTIN, M. L.; FARIAS, A. R.; HOFF, R.

The headwaters of streams are extremely important to maintain the water sources and contribute to the permanent preservation areas (PPA) and hence with the ecosystems of any region. Thus this aspect w... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2013


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