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Authorship: HONGO, J. A.; CASTRO, G. M. de; CINTRA, L. C.; ZERLOTINI, A.; LOBO, F. P.

Abstract: Background: Detection of genes evolving under positive Darwinian evolution in genome-scale data is nowadays a prevailing strategy in comparative genomics studies to identify genes potentiall... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2015

Authorship: CINTRA, L. C.; HONGO, J. A.; LOBO, F. P.

In this study we integrated several third-party software code generated by our team to develop a pipeline which detects positive selection in groups of homologous genes.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2012

Authorship: HONGO, J. A.; ZERLOTINI NETO, A.; LOBO, F. P.

A relação ecológica de parasitismo é uma constante corrida armamentista entre os organismos parasitas e seus hospedeiros. A infecção por parasitas diminui a aptidão evolutiva dos hospedeiros e, conseq... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2012


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