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Authorship: HICKMANN, C.; RESENDE, A. V. de; SILVA, C. A.; LACERDA, J. J. de J.; MOREIRA, S. G.; CONCEIÇÃO, O. P.

Currently, there are some doubts regarding fertilization dimensioning that aims at a high grain yield in soils with improved fertility in a crop rotation system. Thus, the objective of this study was... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2017

Authorship: HICKMANN, C.; RESENDE, A. V. de; SILVA, C. A.; LACERDA, J. J. de J.; FURTINI NETO, A. E.; MOREIRA, S. G.

The introduction of indeterminate habit soybean cultivars expanded the possibilities of rotation or succession crops in producing areas of the Cerrado region, but it represents a less well-known compo... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2017

Authorship: LACERDA, J. J. de J.; FURTINI NETO, A. E.; RESENDE, A. V. de; SANTOS, J. Z. L. dos; CARNEIRO, L. F.; OLIVEIRA, C. H. C. de

Adsorbed or precipitated phosphorus can be susceptible to dissolution depending upon environmental conditions. This work evaluated both the partitioning and availability of the inorganic forms of P bo... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2013

Authorship: LACERDA, J. J. de J.; FURTINI NETO, A. E.; RESENDE, A. V. de; SANTOS, J. Z. L.; OLIVEIRA, C. H. C. de

Na avaliação de métodos de extração do fósforo do solo, além dos aspectos químicos contemplados, é de importância decisiva verificar a eficiência do método para avaliar a disponibilidade de P para as... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011

Authorship: LACERDA, J. J. de J.; SANTOS, J. Z. L.; FURTINI NETO, A. E.; RESENDE, A. V. de; CARNEIRO, L. F.; CURI, N.; VALLE, L. A. R. do

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2010


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