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Authorship: BENEDITO, D. C. D.; STUEPP, C. A.; HELM, C. V.; LIZ, M. V. de; MIRANDA, A. C. de; IMOSKI, R.; LAVORANTI, O. J.; WENDLING, I.

Yerba mate consumption has been stimulated by scientific discoveries that have identified high concentrations of bioactive compounds and their health benefits. We were interested in quantifying caffei... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2023

Authorship: RAKOCEVIC, M.; MAIA, A. de H. N.; LIZ, M. V. de; IMOSKI, R.; HELM, C. V.; CARDOZO JUNIOR, E. L.; WENDLING, I.

Abstract: The yerba mate leaf metabolic composition depends mainly on genetics, sex, plant and leaf age, light intensity, harvest time, climate, and fertilization. In yerba mate, the secondary sexual... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2023


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