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The recipe for the "nugget" contains plant ingredients that are used to make the product have sensory characteristics like texture, flavor, and appearance that resemble chicken nuggets. The product co ...

Product: Food     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

The kofta recipe contains plant ingredients that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to koftas made with products from anim


Product: Food     Launch year: 2022     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

The hamburger recipe contains plant ingredientes that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to hamburgers made from beef.

Product: Food     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

The 'crab' cake recipe contains plant ingredients that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to actual crab cakes.



Product: Food     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology