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climate change


An orange tree can store over 100 kg of carbon, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. Brazil, the world's largest orange producer, stores 8 million tons of carbon in citrus orchards wi ...   More...

Tags: carbon storage, orange tree, climate change, Brazil citrus industry, Embrapa research, Fundecitrus

From: Embrapa     Posted in: 10/05/2024     Views: 210

The Nexus approach proposes a systematic integration to deal with issues related to food, water and energy security on many levels, generating different scenarios. This approach aims at ways to conceptualize and, if ...   More...

Tags: Embrapa Soils, Embrapa, Environment, agriculture, energy, food, water, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change

From: Embrapa     Posted in: 31/05/2022     Views: 462