Esdras Sundfeld

Researcher Embrapa Food Technology


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Sector: Operational Units

Date of Hire: 23/06/1982

Registration: 203298


Food Engineer from Unicamp (1978), MSc in Food Science from the University of California - Davis (1992) and PhD in Food Engineering from Unicamp (1999). Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa since June 1982, working in research and development in food processing. He served many terms as Head of RD of Embrapa Food Technology from 1985 and 2021. From July / 2007 to August / 2011 held the positions of Head of RD of Embrapa Agroenergy, a research center whose facilities were inaugurated in December / 2010 to develop research, development and innovation in the area of agroenergy .He held various positions in administration of research, such as coordinator of Food Engineering Area of Embrapa Food Technology; coordinator of Embrapas National Research Program in Food Technology; coordinator of the Industrialization and Quality area of the National Research and Development Program of Coffee (PNP D / Café); coordinator of the theme Agrifood Technologies, Quality Management and Food Safety under the Embrapa CIRAD cooperation agreement; member of the Internal Technical Committee (CTI) of Embrapa Food Technology; coordinator of the Project Advising Group (NAP) of Embrapa Food Technology ; Brazil's representative in the Regional Technological Platform of Quality of Biofuels of Chains of PROCISUR; Brazil's representative in the Regional Technological Platform of Biofuels of PROCISUR; technical responsible of the Good Laboratory Practice component (GLP) of Agrofuturo Program; member of the Technical Committee of Embrapas RD Macroprogram 1 - "Great National Problems"; Executive Secretary of the Technical Committee of Embrapas Portfolio of RDI Projects on sugar, alcohol and energy from sugarcane. Has worked in the area of Institutional Development since 2004, having led two corporate projects related to implementation of quality management systems in laboratories and experimental fields of Embrapa, for carrying out studies according to Good Laboratory Practices - GLP and tests according to NBR ISO / IEC 17025. Previously, from 1979 to 1982, he held the position of Food Engineer at Coca Cola Industries Ltda. (Dept. of Nutritional Products, RD Division), working on the development and processing of new products. He also served as Engineer in Unicell - Brazilian Unicellular products, from 1978 to 1979, where was responsible for the start-up and operation of dry yeast factory. Member of the Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology - SBCTA and the Brazilian Association of Food Engineers - ABEA. He was awarded the following awards and distinctions: "recognition plate" for the services rendered as the first Head of RD of Embrapa Agroenergy, granted on 13/10/2011 by Embrapa Agroenergy; "Recognition Diploma as Highlight of the Technical Scientific Area of Embrapa Food Technology in 2006", granted on 15/01/2008 by Embrapa, in the process Awards for Excellence 2007, for its contribution to research; "Yellow Dog Society Award", granted on 21.04.1992 by the Yellow Dog Society (Cypress, CA, USA), in recognition of excellent academic performance and research work focused on the separation of cholesterol from dairy products; and "Premium Institute of Engineering", granted on 06.01.1979 by the Institute of Engineering of São Paulo (São Paulo, SP) as first in class of 1978 graduates of the Faculty of Food and Agricultural Engineering of UNICAMP.


1974 - 1978

Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos

Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Obtained year: 1978

1989 - 1992

Mestrado em Food Science

University of California System

Title: Separation of cholesterol from butteroil by treatment with quillaja saponin solution and diatomaceous earth.

Obtained year: 1992

Advisor: John M Krochta

1993 - 1999

Doutorado em Engenharia de Alimentos

Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Title: Separação de colesterol do óleo de manteiga utilizando extratos de Quillaja saponaria Molina.

Obtained year: 1999

Advisor: Theo Guenter Kieckbusch

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Food Science and Technology / Subárea: Food engineering / Especialidade: Food engineering
  2. Grande área: Applied Social Sciences / Área: Administration / Subárea: Administration of Specific Sectors / Especialidade: Management of Research and Development
  3. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Food Science and Technology / Subárea: Food engineering / Especialidade: Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Agroenergy
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