16/05/24 |

Under Brazil's leadership, Global Alliance against Hunger gathers momentum

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Photo: Thiago Sousa

Thiago Sousa - Renato Godinho (MDS): the idea is to have a catalog of best public policies to fight hunger and extreme poverty

Renato Godinho (MDS): the idea is to have a catalog of best public policies to fight hunger and extreme poverty

A set of successful solutions to fight hunger and an international system to support the implementation of such initiatives in interested countries are the ideas underlying the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty, a Brazilian proposal presented to the G20 countries and which should take shape later this year. “We realized that countless global initiatives targeting hunger suffered from a problem: the difficulty of implementation. Hence an interministerial committee created this proposal that focuses on how to make it happen”, says the coordinator of the taskforce for the establishment of the Global Alliance against Hunger, Renato Godinho, from the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development (MDS, from the acronym in Portuguese). Godinho presented the proposal at the G20 Meeting of World Agricultural Research Leaders (MACS-G20) held between May 15th and 17th, in Brasília, DF, Brazil, and organized by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).

He reports that the intensification of hunger led to the initiative. “This didn’t happen only in Brazil, hunger has also increased around the world in recent years and affected 735 million people in 2022,” he revealed. The number represents 9.2% of the world population. As a comparison, in 2019, 7.9% of all people on the planet suffered from hunger. A much larger portion, 2.4 billion people, are food insecure to some extent, and 3.1 billion are unable to maintain an adequate diet.

The proposed mechanism is very practical, according to the expert. The Alliance promises a collection of public policies that were successful in any given part of the world. Countries are then able to choose those that are most appropriate to their reality and request the Alliance's help in implementing them. The initiative will then put requesters in contact with the most suitable partners to aid in each case.

The Alliance against Hunger will have three pillars: a national one, formed by the countries participating in the initiative; a financial pillar, which brings institutions that provide funds for activities; and the pillar of knowledge. “It is in this last pillar that agricultural scientific research comes into play. Technological solutions aimed at smallholders, for instance, can be part of the set of public policies aimed at such target audience,” details Godinho, as he reports that the purpose of his participation in MACS is to invite G20 research institutions to support and participate in the initiative.

The Alliance's primary mission will be to support and accelerate efforts to eliminate hunger and extreme poverty in the world. The project envisages that this will be done by reducing inequalities and pursuant to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We also know that most countries that suffer from hunger are not in the G20, which is why we expect the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty to be an independent body that is capable of liaising with countries and institutions and work in different global forums ,” he stated.

Godinho made a point of stressing that the proposal does not entail the generation of new models and solutions. “We don’t want to compete with established models or impose new ways of fighting hunger. Instead, we want to use existing assertive solutions and see how we can implement them in other regions through initiatives that are specific and personalized for each country and each situation”, he detailed.

The Alliance's agenda includes a ministerial meeting next July, which will result in an official declaration, in addition to the G20's endorsement of the initiative. And by November, the taskforce hopes to count on the accedence of funding agencies and of interested countries; establish its own governance structure; and offer the first solutions in the set of public policies.


Fabio Reynol (MTb 30.269/SP)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications

Press inquiries

Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications

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