20/05/24 |

Brazil and France to conduct joint agricultural research in nine areas

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Photo: Thiago Sousa

Thiago Sousa - The presidentes of Inrae, Philippe Mauguin, and of Embrapa, Silvia Massruhá, sign memorandum of understanding.

The presidentes of Inrae, Philippe Mauguin, and of Embrapa, Silvia Massruhá, sign memorandum of understanding.

Brazilian and French researchers will be able to participate in joint work in nine specific areas. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on May 15 by the president of Embrapa, Sílvia Massruhá, and the president of France's National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (Inrae), Philipe Mouguin, establishes an agenda for joint scientific cooperation.

The document underscores a special interest in work with bioinputs, low-carbon agriculture, digital agriculture, agricultural water management, and sustainable management of tropical forests and mixed landscapes. "France has a strong record of partnership with Embrapa and Inrae is a valuable partner. We have many themes of common interest, which demonstrates the affinity between the two institutions", Massruhá stated.

The president of Inrae also recalled the history of joint activities. "Embrapa has been a historic partner of Inra, which is now called Inrae, and this is the first agreement signed under the new nomenclature. Embrapa plays a key role in research in Brazil and Latin America, and we need more joint research work with you," Mauguin remarked.

The MoU stipulates nine areas of cooperation: a) natural resources and climate change: adaptation and resilience in production systems; b) new sciences: biotechnology, microbiomes, nanotechnology and geotechnology; c) biomass and green chemistry; d) bioeconomy and bioproducts; e) agro-industrial technology; f) automation, precision digital agriculture, artificial intelligence, information and communication technology; g) animal and plant production systems; h) food security, nutrition and health and i) markets, policies and rural development. The themes can be expanded according to the interests of both parties.

After the signature, researchers from both institutions can establish technical or scientific  cooperation projects in said areas, facilitating joint action. With an expected span of ten years, which can be renewed for the same length of time, the memorandum facilitates the relationship between Embrapa and Inrae by establishing guidelines and providing a legal framework.

The vice-president of Inrae, Jean-Francois Soussana, and the coordinator of Embrapa's Labex Europe, Vinícius Guimarães, also participated in the signing ceremony. Guimarães explains that Inrae is Embrapa's counterpart in France, and believes that the formalization of the partnership will create new opportunities for cooperation between the institutions.


Embrapa joins Soil Carbon Consortium

In May Embrapa also signed a letter of interest to participate in the Soil Carbon International Research Consortium, an initiative within the scope of the European Union's Horizon Europe program, which supports research aimed at increasing soil carbon stocks. The initiative is in line with the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By joining Soil Carbon, the institution agrees to use open databases, provide access to relevant findings obtained within the scope of the initiative, and promote conditions for interdisciplinary research and innovation. "Participating in a consortium like this is strategic for Embrapa. This allows Brazil to participate in the most renowned research groups on the topic and have a voice in international discussions about it," observed Vinícius Pereira Guimarães, coordinator of Embrapa Labex Europe, Embrapa's office in Europe.

Fabio Reynol (MTb 30.269/SP)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications

Press inquiries

Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications

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