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Embrapa Units

Embrapa Swine and Poultry has developed production cost surveys and studies since the late 1980s, initially for swine and, since the 1990s, for broiler chicken. The aim of the project "Cost of Compliance" is to comparatively access the costs that farmers face to adjust to environmental legislation, and legislation on food security and animal wellfare, in order to project impact on competitiveness.

The study will comprise twelve European Union countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/02/2012

Despite the importance of forage grasses for livestock in Brazil, the amount of information available remains limited, especially for breeding purposes. The basic knowledge about any given species is fundamental to direct genetic improvement programs, helping in the selection of efficient strategies that will lead to a greater selection gain. Essential information includes reproduction mode and outcrossing rate, which help not only breeding programs but also germplasm conservation. Traditional m

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2015

Environmentally acceptable and financially feasible ways of disposing byproducts from pulpand paper mills has been a major challenge to this sector. Disposal in landfills is onerous,involving major responsibilities related to high costs and timelines that can drag on. Applyingthese byproducts in forest plantations solves the environmental problem of disposal whilesimultaneously helping to replace nutrients that are removed in harvesting forest biomass,contributing to sustainability in forestry.

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019

A crescente demanda de água para fins industriais e residenciais, geração de energia, mineração, lazer, somados aos problemas ambientais, faz com que quantidade de água para a agricultura apresente uma tendência de redução. A agricultura é o maior usuário de água em todo o mundo. O setor agrícola brasileiro é o principal usuário consuntivo dos recursos hídricos. Uma provável solução para esse problema é aperfeiçoar como a água é manejada, o que envolve a adoção de tecnologias e procedimentos ade ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2013

Most stargrass and bermudagrass species grown in Brazil were developed and evaluated in the United States. The cultivars grown in Brazil were not developed for Brazilian environmental conditions and there are no official records showing the introduction of the species in Brazil, thus this happened possibly due to the curiosity of some cattle farmers. The aim of the project was the development of stargrass and bermudagrass clones adapted to soil and climatic conditions of Minas Gerais State, Braz

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2014

This project aims to index viral matrices from black pepper nursery ponds in the state of Pará and Espírito Santo, and also to characterize biologically, serologically, morphologically, and molecularly the unknown virus and develop diagnosis kits for such, to optimize a black pepper in vitro propagation protocol, to form a basic matrix (cloned garden) in screened green house, and to offer seedlings to nursery ponds in order to revitalize the existing matrix, to offer training on black pepper vir ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2009

This project aims to propose viable technological alternatives for a competitive stockbreeding practice, making responsible use of the environment and regional resources and preserving the native flora and fauna of the Cerrado, Amazon and Pantanal. The beef cattle industry has an expressive social and economical role, being responsible for more than 6 million jobs and contributing with more than US$3 billion in the country's exportation activities. The Cerrado is currently the most important reg

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/05/2007

The opening of areas for agricultural exploitation in the northern region of Mato Grosso occurred intensely and without technologies for the preservation of native fruit species, and this, associated with the food habit brought by immigrants from the south and southeast regions, disfavors the knowledge and exploitation of native fruit species. and even adapted to the Mato Grosso Amazonian environment. The introduction of candidate plants for matrices of 07 fruit species with recognized commercia

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019

Peach Palm ( Bactris gasipaes, Palmae) was domesticated by the first peoples who developed food production systems in the Amazon, and possibly in other distribution areas of their forest relatives. Currently, this palm tree possesses great economical projection as a source of high quality heart-of-palm. In addition, the commercialization of peach-palm fruits represents great commercial importance in the state of Pará, once it is an income source for traditional small farmers/producers. < ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/02/2010

In the last century, the wide use of Guzerá breed in crossbreeding led to the expressive reduction of their effective population size, to worrying numbers. Due to its adaptation to diverse environmental conditions, its potential for dual-purpose production (i.e. meat and milk), and its risk of extinction, in 1991, this breed was included by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in the list of genetic resources to be preserved. In view of this, and due to the demand for br ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008