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Authorship: MALTA, D. S.; LIMA, G. G. de; ARANTES, M. S. T.; LACERDA, A. E. B. de; MATHIAS, A. L.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; HELM, C. V.; MASSON, M. L.

The effect of harvest location on cooked pinhão seeds (Araucaria angustifolia) was investigated with regard to its centesimal composition, minerals, and color, and later correlated with environmental... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2022

Authorship: LIMA, T. A. de M. de; LIMA, G. G. de; CHEE, B. S.; HENN, J. G.; CORTESE, Y. J.; MATOS, M.; HELM, C. V.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; NUGENT, M. J. D.

ABSTRACT. The reuse of agro-industrial waste assumes great importance today. Pinhão is the seed of Araucaria angustifolia, which is native to the mountains of southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2022

Authorship: LIMA, G. G. de; SCHOENHERR, Z. C. P.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; TAVARES, L. B. B.; HELM, C. V.

By seeding fungus on top of industry residues, a mycelium can grow and form a compact network structure; however, it may not develop due to lack of optimal nutrients from the substrate. Consequently,... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2020

Authorship: HELM, C. V.; MATOS, M. de; LIMA, G. G. de; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.

A araucária (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze) pertence à família Araucariaceae, e é uma das únicas espécies de coníferas nativas brasileiras com importância econômica (Zandavalli et al., 2004).... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2020

Authorship: ALIABADI, M.; CHEE, B. S.; MATOS, M.; CORTESE, Y. J.; NUGENT, M. J. D.; LIMA, T. A. M. de; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; LIMA, G. G. de

Microfibrillated cellulose films have been gathering considerable attention due to their high mechanical properties and cheap cost. Additionally, it is possible to include compounds within the fibrill... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2020

Authorship: LIMA, T. A. de M.; LIMA, G. G.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; KUROMOTO, N. K.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011


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