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Authorship: BENICIO, L. M.; XAVIER, D. B.; LIMA, I. B. G. de; CONDOTTA, I. C. F. da S.; LOPES, L. B.

Abstract: The body condition score (BCS) is the most helpful system available to dairy farmers to assess the nutritional status of cows, as it indicates the body fat levels of the animals. Body condit... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2023

Authorship: BENICIO, L. M.; XAVIER, D. B.; LIMA, I. B. G. de; PEREIRA, D. H.; CONDOTTA, I. C. F. da S.; LOPES, L. B.

Abstract: Identifying a single animal in a herd allows for individual management and association, and traceability over time of each animal. Over the years, methods have been adopted to identify anima... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2023


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