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Authorship: FERREIRA, E. M.; ROMERO, L. C.; SILVA, L. P.; PEREIRA, L. E. C.; MALAGO JUNIOR, W.; CHAPAVAL, L.; CUNHA, M. de L. R. de S. da; ZAFALON, L. F.

Staphylococcus spp. is among the major microorganisms involved in the etiology of bovine mastitis, with the ability to quickly acquire antimicrobial resistance genes.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019

Authorship: FERREIRA, E. M.; CUNHA, M. de L. R. de S. da; ROMERO, L. C.; ZAFALON, L. F.

Mastitis is one of the major diseases in the bovine dairy herds, as it affects milk quality and results in economic losses due to factors such as reduction in milk production and costs associated with... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019


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