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Authorship: SONG, G. X.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; HAYES, M. H. B.

Maize (Zea mays, a C4 plant) stover was incubated in a long-term cultivated soil for 24 months in order to better understand the transformation of crop residues into soil organic matter. Humic fractio... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2018

Authorship: NOVOTNY, E. H.; HAYES, M. H. B.; MADARI, B. E.; BONAGAMBA, T. J.; AZEVEDO, E. R. de; SOUZA, A. A. de; SONG, G.; NOGUEIRA, C. M.; MANGRICH, A. S.

Neste trabalho faz-se a divulgação do potencial de carvões e resíduos orgânicos parcialmente carbonizados visando obter materiais que mimetizam a matéria orgânica do solo das Terras Pretas de Índio da... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2009

Authorship: BYRNE, C. M.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; HATCHER, P. G.; HAYES, M. H. B.

Humin is defined as the fraction of the humic substances (HS) that is insoluble in aqueous solution at any pH value (1). Because of its insolubility it has been the least studied of all the humic frac... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2008

Authorship: SONG, G.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; HAYES, M. H. B.; AZEVEDO, E. R. de; BONAGAMBA, T. J.

The high and specific SOM contents of the Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE, Terra Preta de Índios), and their high contents of P and Ca provide high natural fertility to the soils. Char or black carbon (B C... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2008

Authorship: HAYES, M. H. B.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; FLANAGAN, R.

NMR provides a powerful tool for studies of compositions of Biochars. However, the usual NMR procedures used for humic and SOM studies do not meet specific requirements for Biochars because pyrogenic... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2008

Authorship: NOVOTNY, E. H.; HAYES, M. H. B.; SONG, G.; AZEVEDO, E. R. de; BONAGAMBA, T. J.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2007

Authorship: SONG, G.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; HAYES, M. H. B.; BONAGAMBA, T. J.; AZEVEDO, E. R. de

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2007


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