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Authorship: ARAÚJO, A. S. F.; CESARZ, S.; LEITE, L. F. C.; BORGES, C. D.; TSAI, S. M.; EISENHAUER, N.

Human activities, such as land use change, cause severe land degradation in many ecosystems around the globe with potential impacts on soil processes. Restoration practices aim at reverting such impac... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2013

Authorship: ARAÚJO, A. S. F. de; EISENHAUER, N.; NUNES, L. A. P. L.; LEITE, L. F. C.; CESARZ, S.

Land degradation reducing vegetation cover may affect the soil surface-active fauna because both aboveground and belowground invertebrates depend on complex plant communities. In this study, we evalua... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2013


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