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A cultivar BRS Sanhaço é um trigo de ciclo médio, com boa capacidade de perfilhamento em regiões mais frias, apresentando uma boa resistência ao oídio, às manchas foliares, giberela e ferrugem da


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

BRS Atobá is an early-cycle wheat cultivar with broad adaptability and grain yield stability in the three wheat regions. It has a small size and good resistance to lodging, pre-harvest germination


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

BRS 015 is an open pollination corn cultivar (varietal), whose grains are white, with better milling performance (softer, easily crushable and with high flour yield) compared to traditional variet


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture