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BRS 368 RF is a transgenic (GM) cultivar that is resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, with a fiber yield of 40% and yield potential between 4,200 and 4,500 kg/ha, which is recommended for cultiv


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2013     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

BRS 370 RF is a transgenic (GM) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, which is widely adapted to the Brazilian states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Bahia, for cultivati ...

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2013     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

*Content only available in Portuguese

A BRS 388RR possui boa resistência à podridão radicular de Phytophthora, ao mosaico comum da soja e ao cancro da haste e tolerância ao vírus da necrose da haste.

Esta cultivar po


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2015     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

BRS 544RR is a transgenic soybean with tolerance to glyphosate, high productive potential, with wide adaptability / stability, especially in the low and hot regions (below 600m). It is a great ref


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2020     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

BRS 369 RF is a transgenic (GM) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, early-medium cycle and low height, and low growth-regulator requirement. It is recommended for second cropping in

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2013     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

*Content only available in Portuguese

Força para enfrentar desafios

BRS 6105RR é uma cultivar de soja que alia uma excelente combinação de atributos para fazer a diferença no campo:


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2022     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Wheat

BRS 1061 IPRO is a transgenic soybean with tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate and control of some species of caterpillars. High performance with stability in regions above 500 m of Macroregion


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2020     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

Cultivar transgênica de elevado potencial produtivo (acima de 4.500 kg/ha) e rendimento de aproximadamente 42% de fibra. Possui resistência ao herbicida glifosato e às principais espécies de lagartas ...

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

A BRS 433 FL B2RF é a primeira cultivar de algodão transgênico de fibra longa do Brasil. Possui comprimento de fibra superior a 32,5 mm e elevada resistência (acima de 34 gf/tex), características cons ...

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton