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The Nexus approach proposes a systematic integration to deal with issues related to food, water and energy security on many levels, generating different scenarios. This approach aims at ways to conceptualize and, if ...   More...

Tags: Embrapa Soils, Embrapa, Environment, agriculture, energy, food, water, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change

From: Embrapa     Posted in: 31/05/2022     Views: 457

Se devemos reciclar, que tal instalar lâmpadas feitas de garrafa pet, aproveitar o que a natureza nos oferece e conomizar. Conhecida como lâmpada de Moser, a engenhoca surpreende pela simplicidade. É barata e fá ...   More...

Tags: Embrapa, Agricultura, Pesquisa, Agropecuária, pet, lâmpada, lâmpada pet, Moser, lâmpada garrafa pet, ivan Marinovic Brscan, iluminação rural, energia elétrica, garrafa PET, hack, luz solar, sustentabilidade, energia solar, Como fazer lâmpada de garrafa pet, como iluminar com garrafa pet, luminaria, luzes, solar, Reciclagem, recycle, energy, PET Bottle, luminary, luminaries, aproveitamento, charge, Alfredo Moser, lighting packs, green, sustainable, PET bottles, solar bottle bub, diurna

From: Embrapa     Posted in: 27/06/2016     Views: 53939

The macaúba presents significant potential for production due to high oil content and ability to adapt to dense populations . The potential productivity per unit area resembles the palm, reaching more than 4,000 kil ...   More...

Tags: Embrapa, Dia de Campo na TV, DCTV, Agroenergia, Ethanol production, Energy resource, Biodiesel, Macauba as Raw Material for Biodiesel

From: TV Embrapa     Posted in: 15/01/2015     Views: 19711