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Responsible Unit

News report

Study shows that the Poyanawa have prioritized agricultural activities in previously altered areas, invested in the restoration of degraded areas and in the implementation and...

Publishing date: 20/07/21

News report

Desenvolvido pela Embrapa, em parceria com pecuaristas do Acre, Sistema Guaxupé eleva produtividade e reduz emissões de GEE. Método se baseia no uso de diferentes forrageiras,...

Publishing date: 20/06/23

News report

Resultados irão subsidiar práticas agrícolas sustentáveis e políticas públicas com foco na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos do solo, como a Política Nacional de Pagamentos por...

Publishing date: 28/11/23

News report

The survey was held in partnership between Embrapa and Fundecitrus in the Brazilian Citrus Belt, which covers 560,000 hectares in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. It was funded by the...

Publishing date: 07/05/24

News report

Research led by Embrapa and the Federal University of Santa Maria has proven that wheat has “decarbonizing” potential, that is, it retains more carbon in the soil than it emits...

Publishing date: 06/06/23