This webpage discloses Embrapa's regulations on documents dealing with items I and II of Art. 45 of Decree 7,724/2012: List of Classified and Unrestricted Information.

The general principle of the  Access to Information Law (LAI, from the shortening in Portuguese),  Law 12,527/2011, is to provide, as a rule, access to  information produced by government agencies or institutions and ensure, as an exception, the restriction of access in the situations described in Art. 25 of Decree 7,724/2012:

Art. 25.  Classified information  can be that kind of information considered essential to the security of society or the State, which  the disclosure or unrestricted access to may:
I - jeopardise national defence and sovereignty or the integrity of the national territory;
II - harm or endanger the conduct of negotiations or the country's international relations;
III - harm or endanger information provided on a confidential nature by other states and international agencies;
IV - endanger the life, safety or health of the population;
V – pose a  high risk to the financial, economic or monetary stability of the country;
VI - harm or cause risk to strategic plans or operations of the Armed Forces;  
VII - harm or cause risk to scientific or technological research and development projects, as well as to systems, goods, facilities or areas of national strategic interest, in accordance with the provisions of item II on the caput of Article 6;
VIII - endanger the security of national or foreign institutions or high authorities and their families; or
IX - jeopardize ongoing intelligence, investigation or surveillance activities related to the prevention or repression of misconducts.


The classification of information is an administrative  procedure established in Decree 7,724/2012, according to which the agencies and institutions of direct and indirect administration classify the information under restriction of access, observing level and period of confidentiality, in conformity with the provisions of Law 12,527/2011, of November 18th, 2011.


Classified Information at Embrapa

2014 - 2022 (updated on Dec 21, 2022)

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation informs that so far there has not been a classification of information in the last 12 months in the terms of Par.1, art. 24 of Law 12,527/2011


Declassified Information

2022 List of Declassified Information - Attachment B (PDF file)



Request to declassify or reassess – individualsDOC | ODT

Request to declassify or reassess – entities DOC | ODT

Appeal to the request to declassify – individuals DOC | ODT

Appeal to the request to declassify – individuals DOC | ODT
(Armed Forces)

Appeal to the request to declassify – entities DOC | ODT

Appeal to the request to declassify – entities DOC | ODT
(Armed Forces)