This section discloses information on Embrapa's detailed budget and financial execution to carry out programmes, actions and projects and/or subactivities associated with its Units (research centers). 

Expenses according to financial accounting groups


Brazilian Federal Government Transparency Portal Brazilian Federal Government Transparency Portal

Transparency Portal

To find information concerning Embrapa's revenues and expenses on the Transparency Portal, just follow the following steps:


  1. Access the Transparency Portal:;
  2. In the menu, on the top, find “Consultas Detalhadas” [Detailed Queries] -> “Despesas Públicas” [Public Expenses];
  3. On the page “Despesas Públicas”[Public Expenses], check one of the query options: “Por órgão/entidade executora” [By executing body/entities], “Por área de atuação do governo (função)” [By government area of activity (role)] , “Por programa/ação orçamentária” [By program/budget action], “Pela classificação contábil da despesa” [By accounting classification of expense], “Por favorecido da despesa” [By beneficiary], “Por documentos diários da despesa” [By daily expense documents]
  4. Use the filters on the left to perform the query. To access Embrapa's data, in the filter “órgão” [body], select Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária [Brazilian Agricultural Research corporation] or the acronym EMBRAPA;
  5. Then just click Consultar [Search].


  1. Access the Transparency Portal:;
  2. In the menu, on the top, find “Consultas Detalhadas” [Detailed Queries] -> “Receitas Públicas” [Public Revenue];
  3. On the page “Receitas Públicas” [Public Revenue], use the filters on the left to perform the query. To access Embrapa's data, put, in the filter “órgão” [body], select Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária [Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation] or the acronym EMBRAPA;
  4. Then just click Consultar [Search].

Portal da Transparência - Governo FederalSearch the
Transparency Portal on Federal Public Funds

Brazilian Government Web Portal that allows searches for

  • Expenses
  • Revenue
  • Partnerships and Agreements
  • National Registry of Not Qualified (Unsuited) and Suspended Companies (CEIS)
  • Registration of Restrained Private Non-Profit Entities (CEPIM)
  • Civil servants