23/01/24 |   Food security, nutrition and health

Embrapa joins the Conference of Agriculture Ministers, in Berlin, during GFFA

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Photo: Gustavo Porpino

Gustavo Porpino - MDA Minister, Paulo Teixeira, speaks at the event

MDA Minister, Paulo Teixeira, speaks at the event

Highlighting the theme “Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World”, the 16th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) took place from January 18th to 20th in Berlin, Germany. On the 20th, the Conference of Agriculture Ministers took place. Gustavo Porpino, from Embrapa Foods and Territories, was a speaker on the panel “From global strategies to local implementation of food loss and food waste prevention” and presented results from the Cities and Food project at the Thunen Institute stand during the Innovation Forum.

“Brazil has a favorable moment to update the national strategy for reducing food losses and waste and seek means of implementation through international cooperation and engagement of diverse actors from food production to consumption. The G20 leadership is giving Brazil a voice in many international forums, and debates on sustainability in food production and consumption are closely related to the most urgent global issues, as well as opportunities to strengthen public policies and encourage entrepreneurship linked to positive socio-environmental impacts ”, comments Porpino.

With the theme Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World, the 16th Global Forum took place from January 18th to 20th in Berlin, Germany. for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). On the 20th, the Conference of Agriculture Ministers took place. Embrapa Alimentos e Território analyst Gustavo Porpino was a speaker on the panel “From global strategies to local implementation of food loss and food waste prevention” and presented results from the Cities and Food project at the Thunen Institute stand during the Innovation Forum.

The GFFA is part of the International Green Week, held in Berlin since 1926. Ministers of Agriculture from 61 countries and representatives from FAO, IFAD, CGIAR, IICA, OECD, World Bank, World Food Programme, among other international organizations, participated in the meeting. During the opening of the GFFA, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Germany, Cem Özdemir, highlighted that climate change, the geopolitical crisis, loss of biodiversity and hunger are real and urgent problems that demand the transformation of food systems. The minister defends the valorization of agroecology, organic agriculture, agroforestry systems, and a focus on circular economy.

Among the commitments made during the Forum is the reduction of global food waste. The aim is to drastically reduce food losses and waste along the entire value chain by 2030. To achieve this target, specific objectives must be complemented by effective measures; food losses and waste must be measured and all interested parties must commit to complying with the measures, reports the statement signed by the ministers of the 61 participating countries.

The ministers intend to strengthen the implementation of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food and raise awareness of the guidelines. Brazil, which leads the G-20 agenda in 2024, was represented by the Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture (MDA), Paulo Teixeira, who emphasized the need for balance between production and access to food in a panel on sustainable agriculture and food supply chain, held on the 19th. He also spoke about the importance of regenerative agriculture practices and cited Embrapa as a success story in technology development.

Country representatives signed an official GFFA communiqué highlighting key issues to strengthen the four priority axes of action aligned with the need for food systems to be fairer, resilient and sustainable. 

Priority axes:
1. Promote sustainable production via transformation of food systems;
2. Strengthen sustainable and resilient production chains;
3. Reduce food losses and waste; 
4. Strengthen vulnerable groups.

Among the commitments defined are also strengthening the role of women in the agricultural sector and improving the management of fertilizers and herbal medicine products.

The panel on food losses and waste brought together researchers, representatives from ministries and international organizations, NGOs and private companies. For Stefan Lange, research director at the Thunen Institute and panel moderator, collaboration between G-20 countries on the topic of food loss and waste is an opportunity to exchange knowledge and for countries to advance their national strategies to reduce food losses and waste. “The dimensions of waste related to the emission of greenhouse gases, the wasteful occupation of agricultural land and the use of labor to take food that will not be consumed until the end of the production chain are still little understood”, he commented.

In addition to Porpino, panelists included Felicitas Schneider, researcher at the Thunen Institute and coordinator of the MACS-G20 collaboration initiative on food losses and waste, Chanjief Chandrakumar, researcher at Thinkstep-ANZ (Australia and New Zealand), and Sharon Yeukai Mada, visitor scholar at the Thunen Institute.

Schneider highlighted that, annually, a workshop on food losses and waste is held in the G-20 host country. In 2024, the network expects to strengthen actions in Brazil and support the update of the national strategy to reduce food losses and waste. “Argentina, for example, which hosted the G-20 in 2018, signed a letter of intent that year, and began a partnership with the FAO, World Bank and UNEP focused on reducing food losses and waste. With Brazil, we also intend to take concrete actions”, he highlighted.

Embrapa´s actions are part of the MACS-G20 annual report

Actions led by Embrapa on the topic of food waste are part of the 2023 annual report of the G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS-G20), published by the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis. With the title “From global strategies to local implementation of food loss and food waste prevention", the publication focuses on sustainable urban food systems.

Gustavo Porpino is one of the report's authors. It presents results from the “Cities and Food” project, conducted within the scope of the European Union – Brazil Dialogues, which carried out a case study in five Brazilian cities: Curitiba, Maricá, Recife, Rio Branco and Santarém. It also addresses discussions held at Embrapa on urban circular food systems and shows results of training and workshops held for school cooks and nutritionists on school feeding.

See the publication.

Nadir Rodrigues (MTb 26.948/SP)
Embrapa Alimentos e Territórios

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Phone number: (82) 3512-2140

Gustavo Porpino (MTb 648/RN)
Embrapa Alimentos e Territórios

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Phone number: (82) 3512-3400

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