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Authorship: GOMES, J. B. V.; SILVA, C. A.; FERREIRA, T. L. de A.; FERREIRA, M. M.; INDA, A. V.; CURI, N.

Extremely kaolinitic soils of Tertiary age elevations on the Brazilian east coast present a wide range of texture, which is recognized as one of the main factors controlling the soil organic matter co... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2018

Authorship: SILVA NETO, L. de F. da; INDA, A. V.; NASCIMENTO, P. C. do; GIASSON, E.; SCHMITT, C.; CURI, N.

In the Porto Alegre metropolitan region (PAMR) there are a significant proportion of floodplain soils, mainly Planosols and Gleysols, in relation to upland soils. This study aimed to evaluate the morp... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2015

Authorship: SILVA NETO, L. de F. da; INDA JÚNIOR, A. V.; NASCIMENTO, P. C. do; MILORI, D. M. B. P.

Resumo: O impacto do uso do solo no pedoambiente pode ser avaliado através das alterações quantitativas e qualitativas da matéria orgânica do solo. Assim, foram determinados os teores de carbono orgân... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011


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